Art Media Categories
Original clay and porcelain work, functional or sculptural. No artwork from mass produced studios, collectives, or items made with commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans, or prefabricated pieces are allowed. Artists may not exhibit work purchased in part or in entirety from other artists for resale.
Digital Art
Includes any original work in which the original image, or the manipulation of other source material, was executed by the artist using the computer. (Digital photo editing within the confines of what could be done in the darkroom is allowed in the photography category.) Work must be signed and numbered limited editions, using archival papers, inks, and emulsions. Signage of an overtly commercial nature listing the availability of numerous sizes, print surfaces, and/or other framing options is prohibited.
Work created using dry media including chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, wax, crayons, etc. or from a fluid medium of ink are accepted in this medium. Reproduction prints are not allowed.
Unique, one of a kind artwork crafted from fibers, including embroidery, basketry, weaving, and tapestry created by the exhibiting artist alone are accepted. wearable art. No machine-tooled work, machine-screen printing or other forms of mass production are accepted.
Functional and sculptural work using kiln forming, blowing, molding or casting as well as cold working processes are permitted. No forms of mass production or reproductions are permitted.
Jewelers must be the designers and hands-on makers of their one of a kind work. No commercial casts, molds, or production studio work. The Art Fair prefers that any beads used in jewelry-making be fabricated by the artist.
One of a kind unique pieces created by the exhibiting artist are welcome. No machine tooled, machine-screen printed or other forms of mass production accepted. No factory-produced wearable items, regardless of additional modification or enhancement by the artist, are allowed.
Mixed Media
This category includes works, both 2- and 3-dimensional, that incorporate more than one type of physical material to produce. Includes non-sculptural work as determined by the artist. Original one of a kind pieces are accepted. No reproductions are permitted.
Acrylic, oil, gouache, and watercolors are accepted in this medium. Reproduction prints are not allowed.
Flat and three dimensional unique one of a kind works made with paper by the exhibiting artist are accepted. No reproductions are permitted.
Includes traditional film photography, hand colored images, emulsion transfers, and digital photography that has not been manipulated to achieve results beyond what could be done in a traditional darkroom. Only artist's original source material is acceptable. Work must be in editions, signed and numbered on archival material and all work displayed in the booth must be for sale. Signage of an overtly commercial nature listing the availability of numerous sizes, print surfaces, and/or other framing options is prohibited.
Only hand pulled original mono-print, serigraph, lithograph, etching, woodcut and other relief techniques are allowed. Prints must be in limited editions, signed and numbered, on archival material. Signage of an overtly commercial nature listing the availability of numerous sizes, print surfaces, and/or other framing options is prohibited.
Unique, one of a kind, art that is 3-dimensionally sculptural and is original work done in any medium by the exhibiting artist is welcome. No reproductions or mass produced work.
Wood Objects/Hand-Crafted Furniture
Unique, one of a kind, original hand-tooled, machine worked or carved work made entirely by the exhibiting artist is accepted. No reproductions or mass produced work.
Collaborative Work and Multiple Applications
Artists may apply in more than one category, but you must submit a separate application and separate images for each medium. If you apply in more than one category, the artist(s) must have a booth shot for each media category applied to.
If artists apply and are accepted as a team they may only exhibit the collaborative work they were accepted for. No more than two artists may collaborate on work. Both must be included on and sign the application. Both must be present at check in and throughout the Art Fair. The collaborative work must have the signature or mark of both collaborators. A description of each member’s involvement in the creation of the artwork must be in the Artist Statement. A collaborating Artist is defined as participating in the creation of artwork; not a business manager/partner, spouse, or assistant.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are accepted, you may exhibit only in that category for which you have been juried in. Artists may not apply more than once in the same category.